13/08/2020 Migration News Renewing Call for Role of Business in Preventing Labour Rights Abuses FOLLOW US: Search … Home HOME INTERNATIONAL RENEWING CALL FOR ROLE OF BUSINESS IN PREVENTING LABOUR RIGHTS ABUSES Renewing Call for Role of Business in Preventing Labour Rights Abuses Aug. 12, 2020 Tweet Staff Correspondent Share 13 Print A coalition of five international civil society organizations and trade unions have renewed their call now to the private sector to move forward to protecting the migrant workers from the wage theft. In the 3rd appeal, the coalition broke down the call into 14 points with their recommendations on how businesses could support the campaign and guarantee that migrant workers are properly compensated by employers before they are repatriated. https://www.migrationnewsbd.com/news/view/32349/49/Renewing-Call-for-Role-of-Business-in-Preventing-Labour-Rights-Abuses 1/7

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