16,000 migrants back home, 1,106 lost lives abroad - Back Page - observerbd.com
they gaveePaper
loans toArchive
friends from
other countries and paid for visa renewal etc.
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In a case study mentioned in the report, a returnee migrant Md. Atiq, 55, said he had been working in a steel
factory for 14 years. As part of his payment procedure, he used to get a small amount per month and after a
while the owners used to clear all dues.
"I have an outstanding amount of around Tk5 lakh including wages of last two months," he added.
Belal (41), a returnee from Saudi Arabia said his visa would expire this June. He has given 3,000 Saudi
Riyals (Tk. 70,000) to a Pakistani friend for visa renewal. "As I was picked up suddenly, I could not contact
him again and lost the entire money," he added.
According to the report, each year more than 7.00 lakh Bangladeshis get employment through international
The infection and death rates are generally higher than locals and they had to face discrimination in accessing
health care.
The Bangladesh government is now under pressure from the Gulf and other Arab countries to bring back its
workers on the pretext of irregular migration status or vacate the jails and detention centres, it added.
Lawmakers Shirin Akter, Aroma Dutta, Expatriate Welfare Secretary Dr Ahmed Munirus Salehin, Foreign
Ministry's Director General Nazrul Islam, Manusher Jonno Foundation's Executive Director Shahin Anam
and Migration in Asia's coordinator William Gomez also spoke on the occasion.
The speakers urged the government to ensure recovering the arrears of the migrant workers and protection of
all Bangladeshi migrants working in different countries including the Gulf countries.