“I never learned about wage theft,” Ungerleider said. “If I had known I probably would have been able to better advocate for myself, especially when it came to giving up all the tips I would make at my cafe job.” University of Iowa Student Legal Services (https://legal.studentlife.uiowa.edu/about/why-sls/) offers free and confidential legal counseling. In Iowa, you can file a wage complaint with the Iowa Division of Labor (https://www.iowadivisionoflabor.gov/wagepayment-collection-and-minimum-wage). Wage complaints can be filed as long as the incident has happened within a year, the amount stolen from you is less than $6,500, and the work was done in Iowa. Additionally, if you have experienced wage theft, you can file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Labor (https://publicintegrity.org/inequality-povertyopportunity/workers-rights/cheated-at-work/wagetheft-what-you-should-know-minimum-overtime-pay/). Vulnerable populations deserve better than to be taken advantage of for their work. Addressing wage theft and making sure employees know their rights is key in order to protect workers. Columns reflect the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board, The Daily Iowan, or other organizations in which the author may be involved. More in Opinions (https://dailyiowan.com/2021/09/14/opinionpsychology-graduateprograms shouldnt require  (https://www.f u=https%3A% we-needto-beeducatedon-wagetheftemploymentstudentpayment%2F  (https://twitter text=Opinion | We need to be educated on wage theft&url=http   (//dailyiowan. we-needto-beeducatedon-wagetheftemploymentstudentpayment/? fbclid=IwAR0

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