17/03/2021 Wage theft and pandemic profits: The right to a living wage for garment workers - Business & Human Rights Resource Centre In all but one of the eight cases, at least a portion of wages, bene ts and severance are still owed to workers months later, highlighting a signi cant gap between company commitments to ensure full payment of wages and bene ts and implementation in factories. Three cases are unresolved. In ve cases workers received a portion of what was owed, and in just one case workers received the full amount owed to them. Living wages are a human right and fundamental to a just recovery within the fashion industry. On average, garment workers are paid four times less than a wage needed to live on. For this right to fair wages to be realised, an overhaul of the commercial buying practices of fashion brands is required, alongside the ability to enforce compliance. Garment workers' monthly minimum vs living wage Infogram Read the report https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/from-us/briefings/wage-theft-and-pandemic-profits-the-right-to-a-living-wage-for-garment-workers/?fbcli… 3/5

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