7/16/2020 Migration News Embassies Proactive Role Stressed for Protecting Migrants at Destinations FOLLOW US: Search … Home Dedicated Corona Testing Center for Outgoing Migrants to HOME INTERNATIONAL EMBASSIES’ PROACTIVE ROLE STRESSED FOR PROTECTING MIGRANTS AT DESTINATIONS Embassies’ Proactive Role Stressed for Protecting Migrants at Destinations Jul. 14, 2020 Share 8 Md Owasim Uddin Bhuyan Print Tweet Senior diplomats, migration experts and rights activists on Tuesday underscored the need for taking proactive role of the sending countries’ embassies to protect rights of their migrant workers at the destination countries during and post COVID-19 pandemic. Speaking at a virtual panel discussion, they suggested the governments of the sending countries in South Asia to collectively deal migration issues with the worker receiving countries to solve the current problems, especially deportation and detention of undocumented migrants. Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA), Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism (GRFDT), and Cross Regional https://www.migrationnewsbd.com/news/view/32327/49/Embassies-Proactive-Role-Stressed-for-Protecting-Migrants-at-Destinations 1/6

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