15/10/2020 Qatar adopts a non-discriminatory minimum wage wage, the government is enhancing detection of violations, enacting swifter penalties and further strengthening the capacity of labour inspectors. The minimum wage legislation was adopted following a comprehensive analysis carried out by the Government of the State of Qatar and the ILO, in consultation with national and international experts and a wide cross-section of workers and employers from different sectors of the economy. Changes in the labour market in Qatar Dismantling the kafala system and introducing a minimum wage mark new era for Qatar labour market  See also Legal documents - Ministerial Decision No. 25 (Minimum Wage)  [pdf 116KB]  - Law No. 17 of 2020 (National Minimum Wage)  [pdf 315KB]  Publications - Infographic  [pdf 707KB]  - FAQs for employers  [pdf 173KB]  - FAQs for workers  [pdf 155KB]  Article Introducing the new minimum wage  © 1996-2020 International Labour Organization (ILO) | Copyright and permissions | Privacy policy | Fraud alert | Disclaimer https://www.ilo.org/beirut/projects/qatar-office/WCMS_753583/lang--en/index.htm 2/3

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