01/09/2020 NGOs call for justice mechanism & protections for repatriated Asian workers during Covid-19 crisis - Business & Human Rights Re… compensation in wage theft cases; and, requesting states "rebuild migrant-centered justice systems at the national level" to ensure workers can access justice and hold employers to account. On 12th August the campaign released an appeal (see below in full) to businesses outlining the responsibilities of businesses during the pandemic, and 14 steps for employers to take to ensure they are protect migrant workers from wage theft. You can sign the Justice for Wage Theft petition to demand governments act to respond to the needs of migrant workers and establish justice mechanisms to address the crisis of mass terminations and wage theft caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Say Yes to Justice video Yes to Justice campaign: Migrant Forum in Asia Story timeline Call for an Urgent Justice Mechanism for Repatriated Migrant Workers 1 Jun 2020 Article https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/ngos-call-for-justice-mechanism-protections-for-repatriated-asian-workers-during-covid-19-… 2/3

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