Employment and Future Plans for Migration Most respondents (88%) said they are currently unemployed in Bangladesh. Sixty-five percent of respondents plan to re-migrate for work, while 25% said ‘maybe’ and less than 10% said they do not plan to remigrate for work. When asked how participants will decide when its safe and possible to re-migrate for work, over half (53%) said they would receive information from a recruitment agency, 21% would ask friends or family, and 16% would receive information from the government. About 10% said they didn’t know (multiple responses could be given.) Figure 6: Do respondents plan to re-migrate for work? (n=154) 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Figure 8: How respondents will decide when its safe and possible to re-migrate (multi-response, n=100) Yes Maybe No 53% Receive info from recruitment agency 21% Ask family or friends 16% Receive info from government 10% I don’t know I don't know For those planning to re-migrate for work (100 respondents), almost all (94 respondents) said they would return to the country they were working in before returning to Bangladesh. The primary destination countries respondents said they would return to include Malaysia (36 respondents), Saudi Arabia (24), and Singapore (13). When asked how they will find employment in the destination country, most respondents said they would return to their previous job (72%) and 17% said they would use a recruitment agency (multiple responses could be given.) Figure 7: How respondents will find employment in destination country (n=100, multi-response) 0 Return to previous job Recruitment agency Friends or family I don't know Talk to company directly Other 20 COUNT 40 60 80

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