Changes in the labour market in Qatar: Dismantling the kafala system and introducing a minimum wage mark new era for Qatar lab…
further strengthening the capacity of inspectors.
Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) said,
“This is very good news for migrant workers in Qatar. The leadership shown by Qatar in
dismantling the kafala system and introducing a minimum wage is long-awaited news for all
workers. The ITUC stands ready to support the Government of Qatar in the implementation of
this historic move, to ensure all workers are aware of the new rules and benefit from them.
Other countries in the region should follow Qatar’s example.”
Roberto Suárez Santos Secretary-General of the International Organisation of Employers (IOE)
said, “These reforms will make a major contribution to the efficiency and productivity of the
Qatar labour market. IOE stands ready to support the Qatar Chamber of Commerce and
Industry and the Government in supporting employers during this transition. Our
congratulations to Qatar and its Chamber of Commerce!”
The ILO has worked closely with Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour & Social Affairs
and with employers’ and workers’ organizations to support the adoption and enhancement of
laws, policies and procedures relating to labour market mobility and the new minimum wage in
Qatar. Further support will be provided for the implementation and enforcement of the new
Tags: labour market, minimum wage, discrimination
Regions and countries covered: Global, Qatar
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https://www.ilo.org/beirut/projects/qatar-office/WCMS_754391/lang--en/index.htm#:~:text=Following the adoption on 30,(NOC) from their employer