Bangladeshi returnee migrant workers call for government help to retrieve their unpaid wages — Freedom Collaborative
Bangladeshi returnee migrant workers call for
government help to retrieve their unpaid wages
Migrant workers from Bangladesh fight
wage theft following forced returns, a
new report calls for urgent action on
sexual violence in South Asia, and
Médecins Sans Frontières highlights
the harsh immigration policies putting
migrants’ lives at risk.
(c) Migrant Forum in Asia.
Hundreds of migrant women domestic
workers previously based in the Gulf area
have been subjected to wage theft and
exploitation amid the COVID-19 crisis,
according to Bangladeshi Ovhibashi Mohila
Sramik Association (BOMSA), a Dhakabased migrant rights organization. Many of
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Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and
Lebanon, have reached out to the
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organization for help in recent months.
WARBE Development Foundation, an NGO