29/04/2021 Bangladeshi returnee migrant workers call for government help to retrieve their unpaid wages — Freedom Collaborative Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment earlier this month. In the case of Bangladesh, among other countries, the middlemen who act as recruitment agents remain anonymous, which makes it extremely difficult to ensure they are held accountable for any offences they commit. Since 2001, the Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) of the University of Dhaka has been advocating for the regularization of middlemen to ensure a transparent and accountable recruitment process. Over the past few months there have been some positive developments, with a parliamentary standing committee strongly recommending that procedures for regularization are set up; the Prime Minister giving instructions for the issuance of identity cards to middlemen; and the ministry announcing the creation of a committee to bring middlemen within legal frameworks. The parliamentary Caucus on Migration and Development has also called for regularization. Campaigners have asked that the responsibilities and liabilities of recruiting agencies also be clarified, particularly regarding their relationship with middlemen. RMMRU has suggested three opportunities for the registration of middlemen: with BMET (the Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training), with the Bangladesh Association of International Recruiting Agencies (BAIRA), and with individual recruitment agencies. The matter requires detailed deliberation among migration stakeholders, including government, the private sector, NGOs, intermediaries and migrant workers. Here’s a round-up of other noteworthy news and initiatives: By u s i n g this website, you agree to our u s e o f c o o k i e s . We u s e c o o k i e s t o p r o v id e y o u w i t h a g r e a t expe r i e n c e and to help our website run ewe ff e cwill t i v ehost l y. the first in a series On 12 May, I agree. of webinars that explore the vulnerabilities faced by populations experiencing trafficking at disproportionate rates and https://freedomcollaborative.org/newsletter-archive/bangladeshi-returnee-migrant-workers-call-for-government-help-to-retrieve-their-unpaid-wage… 3/7

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