HRW Qatar report highlights ongoing wage theft and lack of protections, despite promises | Migrant-Rights.org
HRW Qatar report highlights ongoing
wage theft and lack of protections,
despite promises
On August 24, 2020
In a comprehensive report on wage the in Qatar, Human Rights Watch highlights the scale of violations and the
ine ectiveness of the Wage Protection System (WPS) and justice mechanisms in holding employers responsible.
The report, How Can We Work Without Wages?’: Salary Abuses Facing Migrant Workers Ahead of Qatar’s FIFA World
Cup 2022, in which 93 workers were interviewed said:
Qatar continues to deny evidence of wage theft
In its response to HRW report, Qatar’s Government Communications O ce
(GCO) accused to the organisation of misleading readers.
The GCO also said: “The current report contains repeated inaccuracies aro
policies and does not re ect the current situation in Qatar. Nearly all
individuals who come to Qatar for employment never experience any form
wage abuse. There are a few, isolated, instances where workers experience
issue. These cases have declined as laws and regulations have driven
fundamental and lasting change.”
These claims are inaccurate and far from the truth of the experiences of
workers. Migrant-Rights.org’s ongoing reporting and assistance to workers
Qatar attests to the reality that wage theft is rampant in the country and th
there are many barriers to access to justice that make it impossible for wor
to receive any meaningful resolution.
The GCO also said: “We never heard about these issues in real time or in an
our engagement with them. If notice had taken place earlier, the governme
would have worked to address the issues raised by the workers interviewed