10/08/2020 SPLC Files Class Action Lawsuit Targeting Arkansas Farm Labor Contractor Exploiting Migrant Workers | Southern Poverty Law C… One of the workers spoke of his treatment saying, “We were treated like slaves; that’s what made me feel the worst. I felt pressured by the overall treatment we were receiving and the amount of work that was demanded of us.” The plaintiffs are migrant workers who came to the United States on temporary H-2A visas. Their lawsuit seeks restitution of unpaid wages, an award of money damages and a court order requiring the defendants to comply with federal regulations governing the H-2A program. For decades, the SPLC has fought for guest worker rights and against the exploitation of workers employed under the nation’s H-2 guest worker program, under which U.S. employers recruit more than 200,000 foreign workers each year to perform temporary labor in farming, forestry, seafood-processing, landscaping, tourism, construction and other laborintensive industries. *** https://www.splcenter.org/presscenter/splc-files-class-action-lawsuit-targeting-arkansas-farm-labor-contractor-exploiting 2/2

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