15/09/2020 Moving towards WPS 2.0:: Recent measures taken to strengthen wage protection in Qatar Department will use this data in the design of an inspection campaign on wage protection in 2021 to accompany the entry into force of the Minimum Wage legislation. 12. Given the additional pressures placed on the WPS Unit, later this year, training will be provided to staff and systems reviewed to enhance efficiency. The WPS has a vital role to play in the detection and remedy of wage violations against migrant workers. Accelerating the implementation of the recommendations from the independent report is a process, but unquestionably a priority for the ADLSA-ILO Technical Cooperation project. Along with the other elements of this cooperation, this will contribute to the broader aims of ensuring migrant workers’ access to justice and their due wages, and keeping remittances flowing to the millions of families who depend on them. Regions and countries covered: Qatar © 1996-2020 International Labour Organization (ILO) | Copyright and permissions | Privacy policy | Fraud alert | Disclaimer https://www.ilo.org/beirut/projects/qatar-office/WCMS_755219/lang--en/index.htm 3/3

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