17/03/2021 How did 5,000 salary claims a year become 1,400 over five years? – TWC2 salary shortfalls, and only 950 errant employers? To be fair, we should bear in mind that this is in part an impromptu speech in a parliamentary debate. Perhaps the minister didn’t have the precise numbers that Pritam Singh was asking for. That said, it is interesting that the minister had the “950” and “1,400” numbers at hand, and not the more relevant numbers asked for. Employment Claims Tribunal Family Food featured Housing Illness Job mobility Actually, the numbers are much larger Job scam The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Tripartite Alliance for Kickback Dispute Management (TADM), the latter which, since April 2017, Labour court has been dealing with employment disputes, have so far published two Employment Standards Reports. One edition was Labour relations for 2017 -2018 (link), while the other was for 2019 – 2020 (link). Laws & regulations There are more numbers to be found there, though the way they Lawyers are presented will make a reader tear his hair out. Different numbers in different sections refer to different time periods. Sometimes percentages are mentioned but not the base (or anchor) numbers. For incomplete years, sometimes the gures are annualised, sometimes not. And sometimes, not even clear which way they are. This is what we can extract from the two published reports: MC & light duty MC wages Media interest Medical costs Medical interaction Medical treatment MOM processes Placement agents & fees Police processes Politics and policies Recruitment Repatriation agents Salary & deduction Society & socialisation Survey & statistics TADM Tra cking twc2.org.sg/2021/03/08/how-did-5000-salary-claims-a-year-become-1400-over-five-years/?fbclid=IwAR3ndC6fHNpfjRFmcV9VKV2f4_D0-B5MyB… 3/8

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