09/12/2020 Delayed payments to rejection: MGNREGS workers spend money to collect wages | Business Standard News ALSO READ 35% of work under scheme meant for migrant workers went to MGNREGA Person-days of work under MGNREGA amid Covid-19 crisis: A reality check MGNREGA work demand drops in July 2020 as labourers get jobs in farms MGNREGA today and tomorrow Why casual labour prefers to work in elds than under MGNREGA Workers in India’s rural jobs programme, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), faced numerous delays and hurdles in accessing their wages, a threestate survey by transparency project LibTech India has found. Delayed payments had become so normal for workers that they did not see month-long delays to be a violation of their rights under the scheme, the survey noted. MGNREGS workers’ perspectives on the nature of hardships faced in accessing wages, awareness of banking norms, access to information, grievance redressal under the scheme, transparency and accountability were captured in the ‘Length of the Last Mile’ survey of 1,947 workers in one block each of Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan and two blocks of Jharkhand between September and November 2018. The report based on the survey was released on November 18, 2020. Earn rewards points Apply for a Citi Rewards Mastercard until Feb. 28, 2021 to enjoy no annual fees forever. Hide ˅ Respondents had to make multiple visits to and wait for long hours at di erent disbursement agencies, spending between Rs 6 and Rs 67 on travel for each visit, said the survey. The multiple trips and long waits imply that workers had to forego further earnings in order to collect their MGNREGS dues. Close COVID-19 INDIA CASES: 9,735,850 Nearly 13% of surveyed workers reported rejected payments and most were unaware of the reason for rejection, meaning future wage payments to these individuals would continue to be rejected, according to the survey report. Yet only about 6.3% of workers whose payments were rejected registered a written https://www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/delayed-payments-to-rejection-mgnregs-workers-spend-money-to-collect-wages-1201… 2/9

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