15/10/2020 Labour market mobility in Qatar Labour market mobility in Qatar All workers In Qatar can now change jobs without a No Objection Certificate In a historic move, the State of Qatar has introduced major changes to its labour market , ending the requirement for migrant workers to obtain their employer’s permission to change jobs. Following the adoption on 30 August 2020 of Law no. 19 , all migrant workers can now change jobs before the end of their contract without first having to obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their employer. This new law, coupled with the removal of exit permit requirements, effectively dismantles the “kafala” sponsorship system and marks the beginning of a new era for the Qatari labour market. In addition to removing the need to obtain an NOC, the adoption of Law No. 18  of 2020 provides greater clarity regarding termination of employment. Increased labour mobility is expected to provide numerous benefits to Qatar as it transitions towards a knowledge-based economy. Employers will be able to hire experienced staff locally instead of from overseas, thus greatly reducing recruitment costs. Enhanced mobility will also generate more job opportunities and increase job satisfaction for workers. https://www.ilo.org/beirut/projects/qatar-office/WCMS_753585/lang--en/index.htm 1/3

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