15/10/2020 Labour market mobility in Qatar The ILO has worked closely with Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs as well as with employers’ and workers’ organizations to support the adoption and enhancement of laws, policies and procedures relating to labour market mobility in Qatar. Continued support is being provided for the implementation and enforcement of the new laws.In a historic move, the State of Qatar has introduced major changes to its labour market, ending the requirement for migrant workers to obtain their employer’s permission to change jobs. Changes in the labour market in Qatar Dismantling the kafala system and introducing a minimum wage mark new era for Qatar labour market  See also Legal documents - Minister of Interior Decree No. (51) of 2020  [pdf 391KB]  - Law No. 19 of 2020 (Removal of NOC requirement)  [pdf 403KB]  - Law No. 18 of 2020 (Termination of employment)  [pdf 246KB]  Publications - Labour mobility in Qatar - Key information for employers  [pdf 420KB]  - Changing employers in Qatar - Key information for workers  [pdf 416KB]  - What is the new procedure to change jobs in Qatar?  [pdf 1176KB]  - Infographic - Changing employers in Qatar  [pdf 1265KB]  https://www.ilo.org/beirut/projects/qatar-office/WCMS_753585/lang--en/index.htm 2/3

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