Ensure Justice for Migrant Workers Sent Home | Human Rights Watch
June ,
Ensure Justice for Migrant Workers Sent Home
Hasty Repatriation During Covid-
Leading to Labor Violations
Workers walk towards the construction site of the Lusail stadium which will be build for the upcoming 2022 Fifa soccer World Cup
during a stadium tour in Doha, Qatar, December 20, 2019. © 2019 REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach
(Beirut) – Countries around the world that send and receive migrant workers should enact a justice
mechanism through which hastily repatriated workers can seek redress for human rights and labor
violations, Human Rights Watch said today in endorsing a joint letter by a coalition of migrants rights
and labor organizations.
The Covid-19 pandemic has severely affected millions of migrant workers in destination countries,
many of whom have lost their jobs, been forced by employers to take unpaid leave or reduced wages,
or not received their wages at all. Many migrant workers struggle with whether to return home despite
their outstanding labor claims, while others remain stranded in cities or border areas in precarious
conditions without access to services or support.
“Migrant workers worldwide are suffering the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Rothna Begum,