Hundreds of Indian workers demand unpaid wages from Saudi construction firm - The Economic Times
the Thomson Reuters Foundation by phone.
The Indian embassy in Riyadh said the workers' complaint had been taken up
with the company and Saudi o icials this month, and that it was awaiting a
response on the matter.
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The Saudi human resources ministry could not be reached for comment but
last month said workers could log violations through its online dispute
settlement platform or go to a labour court.
The Nasser S Al Hajri Corporation - which describes itself on its website as the
largest industrial contractor in the Middle East - did not respond to repeated
requests for comment.
Hundreds of thousands of Indian migrant workers are estimated to have
returned home from Gulf nations this year due to COVID-19, and activists,
lawyers and unions said they were dealing with fresh complaints about pay
issues on a daily basis.
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The number of wage theft cases reported from Gulf countries rose more than
three-fold between April and July compared with the same period last year,
says the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, which advocates for
human rights in business.
"We started a helpline for Gulf migrants in the middle of the pandemic and
were ooded with calls of wage theft," said Rafeek Ravuther, founder of The
Centre for Indian Migrant Studies, a Kerala-based charity that works for
migrant rights.
"Among them there were hundreds calling in about (the Nasser S Al Hajri
Corporation) and a few others," he added. "We consolidated the complaints
and encouraged them to ght this collectively since it is di icult to pursue
alone for many."
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One of the workers in the case said he was owed 120,000 rupees ($1,637) and
feared for his future without the money.
"I wanted to start a grocery store with (the money) but now I am running