What Must Employers do to Protect Migrant Workers from Wage Theft? 1) Employers must ensure that all salaries are paid in full and without delays. Employers should not take advantage of a health crisis to justify short term actions in reducing workers’ job security and income. 2) Employers must not deduct wages for time away from work due to mandatory quarantines, lockdowns or to recover from COVID-19, which must be treated as an occupational illness. 3) Employers must not impose or coerce workers into new contracts that reduce wages and benefits or weaken worker protections. 4) Companies should ensure that there are no cash flow issues that will affect payment of wages to workers in the supply chain. 5) Companies should observe and comply with all applicable laws, regulations in accordance to international standards and with collective agreements with regards to wages and work conditions including safety in the work place. 6) Companies should take measures to ensure workers’ labour rights are respected regardless of their migratory status in countries where COVID-19 related economic, health, labor and other key policies have been introduced and are discriminatory. 7) Any contractual change must be temporary, and mutually agreed with workers. Contractual changes must be justified, and the company must settle all end of service benefits as per the old wage, before starting the new contract terms.

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