Say Yes to Justice
The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted millions of migrant workers around the globe, many of whom have experienced job loss or non-payment of wages, been forced by employers to take unpaid leave or reduced wages, or been confined in poor living conditions.
Since the start of the pandemic, millions of migrant workers lost their jobs and have been repatriated to Asia alone from different parts of the world. This number is expected to continue to rise exponentially over the next few months.
Without a proper mechanism, some employers are taking advantage of mass repatriation programs to terminate and return workers who have not been paid their due compensation, wages and benefits.
As the crisis continues to unfold, hundreds of thousands of migrant workers have returned with nothing but a few belongings and the prospects of falling further in debt and poverty.
By turning a blind eye and failing to put in place an accessible and effective justice system that can adequately address wage theft in the context of repatriations, states become complicit in this grave human and labor rights violation.
Change must come now!
Join us in demanding our governments to act now, to respond to the need of migrant workers, and to establish justice systems that aim to address the large volume of wage theft justly and without delay.