Key Findings and Recommendations ❶ Nearly half (48%) of respondents said returned migrants are being treated worse or much worse by community members and/or community leaders, and in some cases by friends or family. Returned migrants who have less access to support services and who are experiencing verbal - and even physical violence - are more vulnerable to exploitation. They may also consider riskier migration options to return abroad and avoid further mistreatment. Awareness campaigns targeting attitudes towards returned migrants should be developed by those working at community level to curb the mistreatment returned migrants are facing. ❷ A staggering 86% of returned migrants interviewed reported receiving no support services since returning to Bangladesh. Most respondents (93%) reported not having enough income to support themselves, and twothirds said they didn’t have enough food to eat every day. Cash assistance programs and immediate need packages such as food and hygiene items should be prioritized as ways to assist this population. ❸ Most respondents (65%) plan to re-migrate for work and about half of those said they would ask for information from a recruitment agency when deciding whether it is safe and possible to re-migrate. Migrant assistance organizations and the Bangladesh Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment should work closely with recruitment agencies to ensure correct information will be provided to migrant workers. Information such as up-to-date travel restrictions and guidelines around possible Covid-19 quarantines, workers’ rights briefings, and clear guidelines on what fees migrant workers should and should not be responsible for when migrating for work is recommended to provide recruitment agencies. ❹ Seventy-two percent of those planning to re-migrate said they would return to their previous job. Similar to the previous recommendation, migrant assistance organizations and worker rights groups in both Bangladesh and destination countries could use this opportunity to reach employers of returned migrants via recruitment agencies to advocate for safe and hygienic conditions once workers return. Guidelines on fees employers are legally responsible to pay when workers make the return journey to their jobsites should also be given to employers. ❺ Nearly all respondents (94%) had received prevention information on Covid-19 and could list several ways to protect themselves, but 84% said they needed more information. Most would look to government sources - including health centers, for trusted information, as well as Facebook and television news programs. Targeted messaging campaigns that provide protection information, Covid-19 hotline number(s), and up-to-date travel restrictions should continue to be a priority for humanitarian organizations and the Bangladesh Ministry of Health.

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