09/12/2020 The UAE’s Wages Protection System (WPS) explained | Living-ask-us – Gulf News The system, developed by the Central Bank of UAE, allows the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) to create a database that records wage payments in the private sector to guarantee the payment of agreed-upon wages. WPS covers all institutions registered with MOHRE across all sectors and industries and is aimed at bene tting different categories of workers. How does the system work? The WPS system connects employers payment system with the UAE Central Bank and Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) to ensure employees are paid fully and on time. Process for employers to register with WPS MOHRE provides companies with a tool to create salary les, which needs to be sent by companies to their respective banks to distribute salaries to employees. This le contains salary information of employees, based on the agreed-upon contracts and helps MOHRE ensure that workers are paid. The system is available online on www.mohre.gov.ae , where employers can log into their account, using their company card details, which are provided by the Ministry. Within each employer’s account, employee lists need to be updated with details of the bank or agent the company deals with, the bank or agent each employee has an account with, as well as the date at which salary is paid. The guidelines from MOHRE clearly state: “Salary month cannot have a difference of more than one month from the dates chosen to pay the salary.” The guidelines add: “Whenever an employee joins or leaves a company, you will need to download a new employee list and attach to the application.” The payment process This website on youropens computer. These cookies are used to improve your experience provide more personalized service you. Step 1:stores Thecookies company a bank account with an approved bankand or agent, in case it does not to already Both on your website and other media. To nd out more about the cookies and data we use, please check out our Privacy Policy. have one in the UAE. OK https://gulfnews.com/living-in-uae/ask-us/the-uaes-wages-protection-system-wps-explained-1.1606915278015 2/8

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